Felix Uloko
1 min readJan 20, 2023

The old man who dreamed was mocked & pilloried for having the audacity to crave more.

Apparently, his culture encouraged round pegs in round holes and maintaining status quos. Putting expiry dates on dreams & passing hasty judgements.

The old man was reminded of the parable about dogs and new tricks and how fools at 40 were fools forever.

His ambition was treated with contempt. In their minds, how could he contemplate being something bigger or better than what their idea of him permitted? With holy anger, they reminded him of a myriad reasons why this was the best he could hope for. Should hope for too.

If you live long enough, you would see everything. Or at the very least, a lot of things. And the old man knew this. He had seen men rise from the depths of despair to the heights of glory. He had seen castaways become kings and outsiders become mainstream headliners.

The old man didnt consider the reality his destination. He was old, but hungry. Delayed, but not denied. Out of touch, but on the move. Ignorant, but thirsty. And with the most impressive of zeals, he took the all important steps towards realizing his dreams — again.

